DIY Ornament Wreath
I made this wreath on Hallmark's Home & Family show, here's the how to if you missed it!
- Wire coat hanger
- Pliers
- 80 Christmas Ornaments to make a full size wreath, less for smaller. (A variety of sizes and shades is nice, these can be glass or plastic.)
- Ribbon
Open the hangar and shape into a circle. Using the pliers, bend each end of the wire into a small hook. If you think you're wreath is going to get manhandled (or kidhandled!) you can add a drop of glue to hold the ornament caps to the ornaments. This isn't necessary, but keeps the odd ball from coming loose from it's ornament hanging wire now and then. Thread the ornaments onto the wire, if you're using a variety of balls, make sure you vary them as you add them. Keep adding balls and sliding them down the wire, allowing them to overlap and bunch up. Once the wire is full, hook the two ends of the wire together and use the pliers to close the hooks. Add your ribbon and you're done!