The Kids Table, All Grown Up

With all three of our kids now out of high chairs and heading into our first Thanksgiving with the entire extended family, the old school concept of the kids table has real world implications for me.  What table do I use, where do I put it, how should it look, where will I put it after the holidays, blah, blah, blah....

So....I decided to take things into my own hands and build one.  It needed to be easily storable, low to the ground, keep the kids entertained, and, of course, look good.  My simple solution, four crates from the craft store and a piece of plywood.

I cut the plywood to 3' x 5' , drilled a hole in each corner (about 8 inches in) and painted the wood with chalkboard paint, one side orange, the other red so it would be equally festive for Christmas.

Cut a piece of craft felt and glue it to the short end of the four crates (this is to keep the crates from scratching the table) and drill a hole into the side of each crate through the felt.

Stand the crates up on end, set the plywood on top and attach using a bolt and a finger tightened wing nut.

Have fun - draw placements, name cards, tic-tac-toe boards whatever suits you or their fancy on the table with chalk, pull up a bunch of pillows and let the kids have a blast.  Tanya Meme had some great crafts she pulled together for on top of the table, be sure to check out the Home & Family website for them!

Have an amazing Thanksgiving, whether you're at the kid's table or not.