Yarn Storage Art



A viewer wrote to me with a dilemma.  Her yarn supply was getting out of control and although she had it all stored neatly in bins, she couldn’t see everything she had.  Not to mention that getting to some of the yarn involved shuffling bins around and copious amounts of digging.  So here is my solution.  Easy, breezy and beautiful. 



One of the keys here is to cake your yarn.  A yarn cake is a pull-from-the-center wound ball that will make your life so much easier, not just for storage, but for knitting and crocheting.  It makes all of your yarn consistent, it won’t get tangled and you won’t have either those squishy have used skeins or the balls that go rolling across the floor every time you pull. Grab an inexpensive yarn winder and nestle in with a good movie (okay, a few) and a bottle of wine (or again, a few) and rewind all your yarn.  You will thank me.



Next mount a piece of inexpensive peg board.  The great thing about this is you can adapt it to whatever space you have available.  It can go between two doors, above a sewing table, behind a door, so on and so on.  She. You hang it, just remember it needs to float out from the wall ever so slightly so the hanging hardware can slip in, so just run a strip of wood trim around the back. Now get a bag of your standard 6” hooks and hang ‘em up.  The caked yard will slide directly onto the hook giving you immediate visual and physical access to all of your yarn.



And, come on, it just looks cool.