Reindeer Advent Calendar
As you all know, I love an Advent Calendar! Here's my take on it for this year - a little modern...a little Scandinavian. Very simple to make, you can bust it out in a couple of hours...and who doesn't want a reindeer carrying presents hanging out in their house for the month of December!
2'x4' 1/2" Plywood
2' length of 1"x6"
L brackets
Cup hook
24 small boxes (oh yeah, and gifts)
Butcher paper
Numbers (I cut mine out from a sheet of scrapbooking paper I had)
Draw your shape on the plywood. I freehanded mine, but you can also find plenty of deer/moose line art online just print it out and copy it onto your plywood. Size totally depends on where you plan to put it. I made mine the full size of the sheet of plywood for impact, but a much smaller one would be great as well
Paint it white and when dry, mount it to the 1"x6" using the L brackets.
Wrap all your gifts in the brown paper, glue the numbers to the front and tie with twine, leaving a foot of twine hanging loose.
Screw the cup hook into the back of the reindeer