Invisible Christmas Tree
To finish off our week of Christmas in July I made an invisible tree for the bedroom. It's a great streamlined look for a modern house, a small apartment, or when you need a little drama in the corner of a room. It was pretty easy to do with just a little prep work.Start with a 24" round piece of masonite or plywood. Every 1.5" draw a concentric circle. If you put a screw in the center you can then use a string and a pencil to get your circles.Make a mark on the circles every 1.5". I cut a square of paper that size which made it super easy to go around the circles and make my marks.Now just go back through and drill a hole at each mark. I think I used a 1/16" bit.Now go ahead and hang your disc. I used two pieces of picture hanging wire and attached one going across the circle in one direction and the other in the other direction and hung the disc by where they crossed. Leave enough room between the ceiling and the disc so that you can thread the wires through. If you're not ready to hang it, you can always prop it up somewhere (like between the legs of a ladder) to work on.Get fishing line and a bunch of washers (or you could use nuts, bobby pins, buttons - anything that's easy to tie fishing line on to). Thread the fishing line up through a drilled hole, tie that end to a washer, take the other end and extend it to the length that you'd like your tree to be and cut it. Just repeat this until you have all the holes filled. If there are more than one of you working on this, you can have one person pre-cutting the line and then the other person is just threading it up through the disc and tying it off at the top. Go slow and be sure not to get all of your fishing line tangled.Once you've got all your lines tied, start attaching your ornaments. The line coming from the center hole gets the star. The holes that form the next ring get the ornaments that are hung the highest. Tie them on at the height you want and cut off the excess line. Continue to the next ring where the ornaments should be a little lower. Continue ring by ring making each ring of ornaments a little lower until you've completed all your rings.A little note here, if you want to use this year after year, then instead of tying the line directly to the ornament, tie it to an ornament hook. Then when the season is over, you can unhook the ornament, bundle all the lines together with some tape and wrap it up for next year.