Floral 3-D Portrait
If a grand Dutch masters oil painting of a still-life of flowers is a little too stodgy for you (or, huh, you don’t have a couple of millions around to buy one), try this modern tongue in cheek version. Perfect for that narrow spot where there’s not enough room for a table with flowers, or a dreary little spot on the wall that could use some cheer!
MATERIALSFramePoster boardVase printoutStyrofoam ball (I ended up finding the green foam is much easier than the white harder styrofoam)Faux flowers
STEPSCut the pasteboard to fit the frame and secure in place with existing tabs or masking tape if they don’t exist. Cut out your vase image.
Position the vase in the center of the space along the bottom edge and attach with spray glue.
Cut the ball in half.
Glue the half sphere a few inches above the vase and let dry.
Once dry, start arranging your flowers. Start with some long branches in the back...
Add a few statement flowers in the middle ….
and continue to fill in until you’re happy with your finished work of art.